Touched by Candace Candle Review

Touched by Candace candle review: A touch of inspiration in every scent

Over the past few years, fall has risen in rank to become one of my most cherished times of the year. The weather is that wonderful lull between cool and tranquil and warm and toasty. A seamless balance of summer and winter that makes me feel snug as a bug in a rug. It's the perfect time of the year to cozy up, sipping some hot chocolate, light your favourite scented candle and read a good book or watch a good movie. So when the brand Touched by Candace reached out to me to review a few of their candles, I knew I was already setting the stage for a wonderful fall season. It’s just not fall until you take a soothing whiff of a scented candle.

Touched by Candace is a local candle making company based in the second city of Jamaica; Montego Bay. With the declaration of ‘Inspiring you to be authentically beaYOUtiful & confidently you, one scented candle at a time’, Touched by Candace creates some amazing inspirational themed candles to provide an instant confidence boost with one simple sniff.

The candles I received were from the company’s popular and renowned ‘Boss up collection’ which aims to encourage you to be your best self while providing a soothing aroma to your home, office or wherever you choose to burn your candle. The candles from this collection, like all Touched by Candance homemade scented soy candles are produced and handpoured locally in Montego Bay.

Disclaimer: Before I continue, I would just like to say although these candles are gifted, the opinions shared on this blog and in this post are my own. No compensation was received for my review. These are just my honest opinions.

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There are certain things I believe make the perfect relaxing night in and candles are definitely one of them. Candles just do something very special to me. A great scented candle always puts me in the coziest of moods. I think it may be that it is the perfect pairing for fall. Relaxing yet powerful, sweet yet sultry, all in one illustrious scent. But truly nothing warms my heart or improves my mood better than a wonderful scent. It sets a tone of comfort and relaxation that just instantly lifts my mood.

Over the years, I have amassed a small candle collection from varying brands but I was genuinely pleased when I realized that we had a local brand that has entered the market and producing high quality, Jamaican made candles.

The first candle I received was the ‘Do Epic Shit’ from the Boss Up Collection. This divine candle came beautifully packaged in a glass candle jar and a metallic lid to seal the container. The glass is clear and so you can easily visualize the colour of the contained candle. On the candle package itself is a printed label with the company’s name, the name of the candle, the accompanying scent and the ingredients. The package label also has the bonafied made in Jamaica seal of approval and information about the product ‘s burn time and instructions on how to burn the candle.

This candle came in the scent Mango and Banana Leaf, which is a layered scent that also contains a combination supplementary scents of Nectarine, Kiwi ,Papaya Flower, Plumeria and Mango Peach Musk blended seamlessly into one supremely heightened scent. This sophisticated blend was an absolute pleasure to burn as the aroma seeped into and ultimately took over the room. It smelled absolutely gorgeous The candle has an estimated burn time of 50 - 70 hours and it is recommended to not burn it for more than 4 hours at a time.

This scent itself is a very fruity one. It’s what I imagine having a platter of some of your favourite tropical fruits would smell like. To me the mango is the predominant scent and has taken the role of leader, while the others fall in place as the supporting cast to the ensemble. I enjoyed this scent ma]inlyu becayuse of the subtle sweetness of the scent. A gentle whiff is all you need to truly appreciate the scent. I find it to be the perfect scent for a day of Sunday relaxation or to set the mod for a self care night in.

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The next candle I received was the Balance, in the scent Vanilla and Buttercream. I really love this scent! Vanilla is and has always been one of my favourite scents. I have always found the sweet and alluring aroma of vanilla to be a warm and inviting scent. To me, it is like comfort food without the added calories. It is like wrapping yourself in your favourite cozy blanket of warmth, serenity and beauty.

What I appreciate is that, although the scents of the vanilla and buttercream are evidently present and noticeable, the scents are not overwhelming or disgustingly sweet to the point of being nauseating. I find sometimes candles miss the mark with this scent and it can be off putting. So I am truly happy that they mastered one of my favourite scents wholeheartedly.

The only drawback I had was with the candle wick. It burns well and quickly but I noted sometimes is burns so quickly it can get lost of buried in the candle wax and you need to be melting the wax itself to get back the wick. I am not sure if this is just for this particular canister that I received, because I did not have the same problem with the Do Epic Shit candle so it might just be an isolated case.

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The candles are available in 3 sizes - 4 oz, 8 oz and 10 oz. and retails for a price of $500 jmd, $1000 jmd and $1500 jmd respectively. You can also customize the candles , for examples as gifts, for an additional $150 jmd. If you live in the Montego Bay area, the candles can be purchased in person at shop #6 Westron Plaza. However, if you are like me and you are not living in Montego Bay; candles are shipped and delivered islandwide.

Overall, I think one of my favourite things about the candles from this collection, apart from the gorgeous scent of course, is the inspirational and motivational expressions that are the candle scent names on the candle labels. Honestly in this overstimulated world, overwhelm is nothing but a corner away looking intently to claim its next victim. So it is most definitely a welcome aspect that a swift picker upper is but a scent away. This added benefit helps to make the candles a gift that keeps on giving, as you feel a touch of inspiration and mood improvement even when you aren’t burning the candle. All you have to do is read the label. It provides an instant confidence boost on sight.

To me, these candle transcends seasons and can be burnt all year round. But the calming air of the fall and upcoming winter months, make burning these scents seem like a personal treat at every sniff. If you love candles as much as I do, I would most definitely recommend you to check out Touched by Candace #brandjamaica, because I will definitely be trying another candle from this company once I’m all out!

What are your favourite candle or fall scents? I would love to hear from you. Let me know in the comments!

Until next time….

