Posts tagged christmas
The Best Christmas-Themed Books To Remind You Of Your Best Childhood Memories

It’s another beautiful December night and all through the house, not a creature is stirring, not even a mouse. The Grinch came and stole our Christmas tree and presents with care. Unfortunately for him, three ghosts would appear and tell him to change his ways lest death be near. As he returned the gifts, the Polar Express passed by with tiny Tim, young Marie and the Nutcracker on for a ride.

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DIY Sugar Cookies Lip Scrub for Kissable Lips this Holiday Season

The lips are one of the most sensual parts of any persons body. With more than a million sensory neurons, just a little pressure can send you on a wild frenzy. So exfoliating your lips can make your uber sensitive lips feel refreshed and renewed all year -long,  especially during the colder weather. Exfoliation gets rid of all the dead cells that just don’t seem to want to take a hint and hit the road jack.

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