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7 Fall Self-care Tips to Nurture Yourself This Season

Self-Care Sundays: 7 Fall Self-care Tips to Nurture Yourself

Self care is something that has become more and more important to me as time has gone by. Sometimes it is honestly very hard. There is work, social life and other commitments that just always seem more important than taking some time to recuperate yourself. You feel like your letting someone down if you don’t fulfill all your obligations. You may stress about how much time you have and how much you could do in that time. But I am here to remind you that you cannot pour from an empty cup. Self-care is necessary. Self-care is about being a good friend to yourself and cherishing yourself as a being that needs to be taken care of. If you are not good to yourself, you will never be at your optimal place to be good for others. So today I am going to share with you 7 fall self-care tips to nurture yourself. These are some easy ways to nurture and replenish yourself so you can live optimally. Remember self care doesn’t have to be expensive; it just has to be worth it.

Prior to writing this post, I noticed that I felt a little off axis and I just couldn't shake it. I tried to power through but I couldn't get rid of this feeling of weighted dread and feeling out of whack. That's when I realized how long it had been since I’ve done some proper self-care. So as the lover of lists that I am, I wrote down a few things I knew would make me feel better and then scheduled myself a little self-care day. It was ah-may-zing! And I'm pleased to say I feel fully refreshed. So I am not coming to you from a place of perfection. I am coming to you as a fellow human who has been there and not so long ago either.

Although self-care should be a year round occurrence, November happens to be one of the most perfect times to delve into self-care. It is one of those perfect transitional months where the weather just feels just right. Not too scorching hot like the summer but not frigid and freezing like the winter. The weather is just cool and calming. As perfect as Mother Nature had intended it to be.

Although summer is one of my personal favourite times of the year; and not just because my birthday is in August. Leo gang shout out! I find that during the month of November there is more of a lull. The weather is great out. The falling leaves creating picturesque scenes to revel in nature. It's a bit rainier so the temperature remains cooler. There is pumpkin spice everything everywhere. And you can finally start putting out all you Christmas decorations and planning all the parties you will be going to for the upcoming holiday season. So now more than ever, it is important to get in some self care habits before the Christmas hullabaloo starts and it is all Christmas everything (or Hanukkah or Kwanzaa or whatever celebration you may have in December). And your calendar is jam packed and full of life. It is time to take advantage of the slower pace. A pace that sees you reveling a little more in your surroundings without interruption. It is finally time to add some much needed fall self-care to your schedule.

Practicing self-care can be hard for a lot of us. Some people are even afraid to allow themselves free time. I even told you how I was struggling to do so not too long ago. But I found my way and you can too. So…. do you want to feel rejuvenated like I did? Since you're here I'll take it as a yes! Below I've shared some of my favourite fall self-care tips and tidbits to help reignite your feelings of self-appreciation and relaxation. I hope the ideas that I share today will spark something new in your self care routine. These 7 simple tips will have you winding down in no time and wondering what took you so long to get started.

1. Go outside and play

Get outside already. The weather is great out. Remember how I said the weather is that perfect balance between warm and cool? Yeah, I meant it. Now is one of the most perfect times of the year when it comes to the weather. I know technology makes everything easier nowadays. You can literally do everything in one space. But nothing beats the great outdoors. I mean there is a reason why most people are happier whenever they step from inside their cooped up environments and venture outdoors. It is freeing, relaxing and just what the doctor ordered all rolled into one.

Pick an outdoor activity that you really enjoy doing. Maybe you love hiking or swimming. Or maybe you're a fortunate soul who knows how to ride a bike and love cycling. Yoga in the park or by the beach perhaps? No matter what the activity is. Do something fun outside in nature. And invite a friend or 2 along to make it even more fun. Just spend a little more time in nature enjoying the splendor of being outside.

2 Take a relaxing bath or a cool shower

When was the last time you truly enjoyed your bath time? I mean really enjoyed it. Singing out loud in the shower while playing your favourite tunes. Or settling in for a relaxing soak in the tub after running a warm bath.

I find most mornings and evenings I'm in a bit of a rush to get in and out of the shower. In the mornings because I want to get ready for work and in the evenings just out of habit or during the summer it was to cool down from the hot weather outside. But, now it's the perfect time to slow down bath time and really enjoy the feeling of the water caressing your skin. Sing out loud to your favourite tunes. And just really have a jolly good time.

Submergence in water is proven to help reduce pain and inflammation and also calm the nervous system, reducing the levels of stress and anxiety in the body and improving your mood. Taking a colder shower or relaxing in a bath increases our intake of oxygen and improves blood circulation. Increasing the oxygen supply to the brain decreases stress levels. Therefore, I recommend spending a little more time to lavish in the experience, indulging in a few extra minutes under the water. It’s a spa visit all on its own.

3. Light a scented candle

One absolutely perfect thing about fall weather is that it gives you the ability to revel in your favourite scents; particularly a good scented candle. I love scented candles. They light up a room with more than just illumination but also filled it with scents of tranquility. It is soothing to the mind, body and soul. It brings much needed calm to the chaos that is the surrounding world. There i could not imagine any fall self care list could be complete without adding scented candles to the mix.

4. Spend time with loved ones

In the age where we are supposed to me the most connected we have ever been, it seems so ironic that many of us miss so many moments with loved ones. Whether it be friends or family, oftentimes we are so caught up in the modern world that we miss our most intimate moments. Cell phones at dinner, being home together but on different devices or just never making plans to spend time together at all. It seems like so many of us are physically there but not mentally present to really cherish the moments with our loved ones.

So this fall, I challenge you to make plans with your loved ones. Turn off all your devices and do something together that you all would enjoy. Be it a games night, day at the beach, dinner with friends, going for a hike. Whatever you choose to do, just make sure it is done sans technology and with those you love. It is time to be more present and less distracted.

5. Go on a spontaneous road trip or staycation

This may be the nomad in me but don’t you just love a good road trip. Picture this: you’re out on the open road, blasting your favourite tunes (or catching up on a podcast or listening to an audiobook) and you have this excitement bubbling inside you because you are on an adventure. Maybe you know where you’re going, or maybe you have no clue or destination. You’re just looking for an adventure, an outing, somewhere to be and somewhere new to discover. Maybe you are alone or maybe you’re with others. Maybe you stay over or maybe it’s just one day of freedom you just can’t wait to enjoy. Traveling forces us to temporarily disconnect from our normal routine, helping us relax and enjoy the moments that will last us a lifetime.

6. Declutter your space

I have often heard that a crowded space creates a crowded mind. It is not only distracting but it is also overwhelming. And oftentimes our physical clutter creates mental clutter as well. It can be stressful and disheartening seeing so much clutter around you.

I have found when you declutter your space it improves your mood, builds confidence and helps to reduce worry. You remove a major stressor from your life and allows you a level of mental clarity to improve your lifestyle. It makes you feel accomplished and it puts on a great part to mental, physical and emotional peace of mind It is time we let go of the past and things that hold us back and decluttering is a great way to do this. This is a bit of a long term self-care habit that will last you well beyond your initial cleaning

7. Enjoy doing absolutely nothing

The world is so fast paced nowadays. We are always on our phones. We need the constant connection. We need to know everything that is happening, right as it happens. Because being disconnected seems like it could be the end of this modern world.

But when is the last time you have just been? Enjoyed the freedom and carefree nature attached to having absolutely nothing to do. Not a worry in the world. Or stresses to focus on. Just a little much needed me time to enjoy mindless television or listen that podcast you have been dying to hear. It does not even have to be a whole day event. An hour or two, 5- 10 minutes, however long you choose. Just being and enjoying doing nothing could be all you need to refresh and renew yourself.

There you have it lovelies. 7 amazing self-care tips to help you get through the fall season. Note these are only my personal recommendations and if you haven’t found anything that you think suits you then that is just fine. Self-care is meant to suit your personality and lifestyle needs so my list may not cover that one thing you may personally need. I mean after all it is only 7 suggestions. and the world of self-care is so much broader than that. This is only meant to be a guide and to give you some worthwhile ideas to try but if you find something else helps (that is legal of course), then go ahead and do whatever soothes your soul and restores your peace.

That’s all for now loves.

Until next time…

